How Can You Have A Spiritual Treasure and What Is It?
What does becoming a spiritual treasure mean exactly?
Let’s examine 2 Corinthians 4:7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.
If you look at 2 Corinthians 4:7, Paul helps us understand that this treasure is ministry, the gospel, the Word of God, and the light and the glory of God; God’s presence.
Paul wants us to understand that God has placed in us an incredible spiritual treasure…a treasure residing in these earthen vessels…our bodies. The treasure is in you and me!
But that treasure needs to be poured out.
Be A Vessel Of Honor To Become A Spiritual Treasure
Paul was probably thinking of two particular earthen vessels that were used in his day. One was the vessel of mercy and the other the vessel of honor.
One place you would find the vessel of honor was around the home. People would use the water to wash their feet after traveling the dusty roads before they would enter your house, or they would use the water to quench their thirst. Like the vessel of honor, we are to wash the feet of our family, to humbly serve them and to help quench their thirst for more of God.
The vessel of mercy looked identical to the vessel of honor, but it was located in public places like the town square, so that any traveler coming through that arid land would be guaranteed to find a fresh drink of water. It was placed where the needs were. We need to take mercy where mercy is needed most–out onto the highways of humanity.
You are an earthen vessel filled with His spiritual treasure, so start pouring it out–in your home and out where the people are.