Relentless Pursuit

God's Gentle Guidance Amidst The Storm

By Sheri Adams-Briggs

Book Synopsis

Be Encouraged and Aware Of God’s Presence!

Through this gripping autobiography, the author paints a compelling picture of God’s redemptive power. God took what was evil in Sheri’s life, including a cult upbringing, being born into an alcoholic home, a brutal car accident, and tragic family loss. He transformed Sheri, and she discovered that God is the perfect Parent of His children and gives a deep experience of His love in the midst of suffering.

Complete with moments of humor, spiritual insight, personal stories, and tragic narrative, the reader will discover inspiring stories of miracles and life-changing encounters with God that reflect His Almighty name and display His unchangeable character, nature, and attributes. Readers will also…

    • Be challenged to see a loving, all-seeing, all-knowing God in the middle of harsh circumstances.
    • Be encouraged to see and trust God through trials in their own lives..
    • Be challenged to believe God’s word and His call on their life, and by faith step into it.

Ultimately, this knowledge gives us the confidence to embrace both joy and suffering with a God who promises to be ever so near to us in all parts of life. Available now on AmazonBarnes and NobleBooks-A-MillionLucid Books Bookstore, and Thrift Books.

Relentless Pursuit Book Details

Book Format:

Paperback and Kindle

Length Of Book:

188 Print Pages


Lucid Books

Publishing Date:

November 8, 2022

Video Book Trailer For Relentless Pursuit

Book Review By Margaret Lukasik

I’m filled with admiration for Sheri Adams – Briggs, author of Relentless Pursuit: God’s Gentle Guidance Amidst the Storm.  Her commitment to surrender all aspects of her life to God is the gold standard for Christian faith.  For anyone who isn’t sure what Christian faith looks like, they only need to keep reading Sheri’s story and it will soon become clear!

  We all come to God with different family cultures and environments which ultimately define how we understand God and the scriptures. Sheri was no exception. Growing up within a cult system that regarded the leader as Jesus Christ caused her much confusion concerning God’s true identity and Bible doctrines over man-made rules. Yet, her gentle spirit obeyed the teachings out of respect and honor to her parent’s commitment and understanding of God. It’s this humbleness of obedience that later played an important part in Shari’s life once she courageously changed course in her teens to pursue Elohim Emet, the only true God and Creator as she references in Chapter 3.  

  Her beautifully written story pulled me into her exceptional life and family from the first chapter. I was drawn into their many challenges, near death experiences, the loss of loved ones and the birth and development of the Bridge of Hope distribution center born out of the conflict and brokenness of her life. Most difficult to learn about was Sheri’s loss of her infant son born premature, and the death of her young adult son with whom she had shared a deep bond.  Yet, no matter how difficult her losses and time spent grieving, she continues to this day firm in her faith and love of God.  

There is so much to learn from Relentless Pursuit: God’s Gentle Guidance Amidst the Storm. It vibrantly shares the plight of a woman fighting life’s difficult circumstances on her own until she found herself within the arms of God’s protective care and love. Once she had a taste of God’s blessings, her life became a testimony of trusting God to provide when she experienced lack or needed healing. She found her strength in Christ to hold her family together through trials and times of mourning. And because she patiently waited on God to bring life to the dreams He put into her heart, God was able to work through her life to create the Bridge of Hope San Diego.

  There are lessons for everyone in this book. Sheri has experienced almost every type of difficulty anyone can face and has remained victorious. It’s one of the most powerful books I’ve read for Christians of all levels of Bible knowledge and for anyone seeking to understand a Christian’s life in action.   I highly recommend this book for everyone.

About The Author Of Relentless Pursuit

Relentless Pursuit

Sheri’s Website:

Sheri Adams-Briggs

Sheri was born in Los Angeles California, and currently resides in San Diego, California. She and her husband Brewster have six children total; his, hers, and theirs. Two of her children are in heaven. 

She is the founder of Bridge of Hope San Diego, which began in 2005. Bridge of Hope’s mission is to strengthen families in transition, by providing practical help and community to those in need. 

She is a grief coach and is passionate about supporting those who have lost a loved one. Sheri loves to spend time with her family, and friends, study God’s word, be in nature, spend time at Bridge of Hope, and hang out with her dogs.

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