Scriptural Prayers For God’s Will

For Discovery, Development and Guidance


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Prayers For God's Will
Prayers For God’s Will

Use the prayers for God’s Will that I have provided below.  Before saying any prayer, make sure that you believe what you’re saying with all of your heart.  Confessing God’s Word will help you desire God’s will, but it’s always important to obey God’s Word as you learn it and this is where you heart should be. 

When desiring God’s will over your own, your heart will be inclined to obey God rather than looking to your own will.  Then when you come to a difficult area of believing you can just take it by faith and trust God that doing what He says will bless you.

If you’re not sure about something in life or with God, go to the scriptures and let the Word guide you.   Read from the  New Testament especially where we have a new covenant.   The Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and St. John) are helpful, but ask God for guidance where you need to concentrate your reading. Go to The Three Phases Of God’s Will for reference to the prayers for God’s will given below.

My Victorious Christian Living study will be helpful for understanding how to live God’s will.



Phase I Of God’s Will: Salvation

If you have not received salvation through Jesus Christ, refer to Assurance Of Salvation to receive.  You can receive salvation alone, with another person or you can go to your local or family church.  On that page I give reference to receiving salvation and the prayer for salvation.


Phase II Of God’s Will:  The Prayer Of Dedication Or Re-dedication

Go here for further reference concerning dedication.

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for hearing my prayer.  I have turned away from the Word as I have looked at those things which are not of you, but I am ready to follow you and take your lead for my life.  Please forgive me for living life on my own terms and for not following the Bible and your guidance.  I repent in the name of Jesus Christ and believe with my heart that I have received. 

Now Dear Lord I am ready to live life your way, trusting you step by step as I live by the scriptures and receive your guidance to live your will for my life.  I rededicate my life to you this moment and mean it with all of my heart.  Please guide me now, Father, to live according to your will and walk with you to fulfill your purpose and plans for me alone.  My will is to live the dreams that you have created in my heart and I trust that you will be with me all the way.  Thank you Dear Lord.  In Jesus Name I pray Amen.


Confessions For Re-dedication:

Prayers For God's Will short study.
Prayers For God’s Will

It’s important to keep your mind on what God’s Word says about you.  Use the principle from Romans 10:17 for growing trust in God and faith in His Word.  This will help you to walk with God and hear His guidance. 

Romans 10:17 tells us that whatever we hear we will grow in faith for those specific words.  We can grow in faith or fear.  To avoid fear we have to become strong in God’s Word.  I have created a few confessions for you to say.  You can also create your own.  Everything you say must be based upon God’s Word.

“I am walking in God’s will for my life.”  “Everything I do I do it unto the Lord.”  “God is the center of my life.”  “I seek God for all major decisions I make.”  I look to God for guidance in all the affairs of my life.”  “I act upon His Word instead of my will and believe that I will be blessed in all the affairs of my life.”


Note:  You can use the prayers for God’s will examples given or use them to create your own prayers and confession.


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