Money Savvy 4-Compartment Bank For Kids
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Use the Money Savvy 4-Compartment Bank for developing good money management skills in your child that will last a lifetime. However, before you obtain a bank, look through the various colors and styles below to insure they love their bank and are excited about the process of daily money management.
The Financial World Is Changing And So Is The Way We Teach Our Children About Money!
I wish I had thought of this brilliant product when my children were young so that I could have created a better presentation for them about saving, spending, tithing or investing and giving. Without a tool such as the Money Savvy-Compartment Bank, it’s difficult to keep up with the process. However, it needs to be done in order to help our kids avoid money difficulties which will keep them from giving tithes and offerings. The Money Savvy System teaches kids money management that will last a lifetime and see them successfully through any economy, good or poor.
The Money Savvy 4-compartment Bank supports the 10/10/10/70 child money management system that we believe fits into God’s Wealth Plan, only for kids. While you can make your own bank, this particular bank is constructed of high grade plastic that will last. Each compartment conveniently opens through one of the feet for easy access and it comes in colors that kids love. There are 5 piggies, a cow and and a football.
Each money management compartment matches those we’ve given in our system which are:
- DONATE (we use tithe, but this works)
- AND INVEST (we use offerings for investing in the Gospel, so this works).
Why does this type of bank work?
It gives a child a sense of control which leads to a sense of security.
When you give children a Money Savvy 4-compartment bank, you give them control over the money in their lives. In a respectful way, the Money Savvy Piggy or Cow asks children what they think is the best choice and allows them to make it. A sense of control leads to a sense of security.
It’s interactive.
In today’s world, kids expect things to be interactive. Like the Japanese saying goes, Tell me and I’ll forget…Show me and I’ll remember…Involve me and I’ll be changed forever.
The Money Savvy Cow involves the child, but on their terms. This involvement will give them good money management habits that will last a lifetime.
It encourages parental participation.
The goal setting stickers give parents the opportunity to discuss choices, their implications, and values appropriate for each child.
The reason why many adults lose control of their money is because they weren’t taught money management at a young age. You can change the outcome of your child’s future by teaching them how to be in control of their money by taking control of their spending. The Money Savvy 4-compartment bank will help you accomplish this goal.
Money Savvy 4-compartment bank Characteristics:
- Size: 8.5 in. long, 6 in. in diameter and holds $300 in coins
- Material: Translucent durable polystyrene plastic
- Available Colors: Pink, Blue,Purple, Green, Red for Piggy banks.
- The cow bank is clear with black cow spots.
- The football is bank is brown and white. Money exits from bottom.
- Bank slots fit all coins including dollar and Canadian coins
- Each chamber exits through a different foot for the pig banks and the cow!!
The Money Savvy 4-compartment Bank For The 21st Century
It Comes With:
- A sheet of goal setting stickers to help kids track the goal for each of their money choices, plus different eye colors so that kids can personalize their cow.
- Easy to follow instructions and tips for each of the four money choices: SAVE, SPEND, DONATE, AND INVEST.
- The smart award-winning, interactive Money Savvy Pig piggy bank helps parents and children explore such topics as the history of money, where money comes from, the importance of earning money and, the four basic money management choices: Save, Spend, Donate and Invest.
The Perfect Gift! The Money Savvy 4-compartment Bank For Kids From Ages 4-11. Order Now!
Click below to order your Money Savvy Bank from
Learn More About The Colors Available:
Money Savvy Banks in Green, Grey and Purpose.
Red and Blue Money Savvy Banks
3-compartment Banks For Smaller Children
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