What Is Biblical Kingdom Living?
It May Not Be What You Think
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Kingdom Living based upon God’s Word is a lifestyle. Looking at Matthew 6:25-34 we see what that lifestyle is about, why we should live it and how. It’s not complicated, but very simplistic in practice, yet many Christians are unhappy, poor, confused and just getting by in life because they’re living according to worldly values rather than practicing Kingdom living.
Living the Kingdom life means that we look to God for what we need and want rather than ourselves, others or the use of devious means. Yes, it’s true! Some Christians lie and cheat in order to get what they want and then a few minutes later they’ll be yelling Amen in church without a care for what they’ve done! I’ve had to deal with this type of Christian and they don’t change, they only become more corrupt–all in the name of Jesus!
Christians, we must all take kingdom living to heart by centering our lives upon God and resting in Christ to receive the blessings He died on the cross for us to obtain by faith according to Matthew 6:33. If you’ve been lying and cheating to get extra money, then you need to ask God for forgiveness and repent. Then get a fresh start with God by developing a Kingdom life. It’s time to look to God by trusting Him with your life.
Read the verses below a few times without skimming. Each verse is an instruction for your life. I’ve also created a page that you can print out and read daily.
Matthew 6:25-34
25. “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?
26.Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
27.Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?
28.”And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin.
29. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.
30. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?
31 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’
32. For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.
33. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
34. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
By reading Matthew 6:25:34 over and over and meditating upon each verse, I came to understand Biblical faith in a way I wasn’t able to when I first studied Christian Biblical faith. Understanding what it means will help us to rest in Christ to overcome worry and stress. A good example of this is in Matthew 11:29 where Jesus promises us rest as we lean upon Him.
We have to learn to put verses together in order to get the total picture of how to live the Word many times. By learning about what Jesus will do for us, we can understand how to rest in Him. By putting verses about Jesus together with Matthew 6:25-34 we see how we are good enough to trust God for whatever we need and receive rather than worrying everyday about whether or not we’re going to have enough of what we need.
Following God’s message of Kingdom living keeps Christians from working hard every day to be good enough for God. Working to please God is an unproductive action that will keep you from becoming a success in life. You’ll just go in circles trying to be good enough for God, but falling short every day because you’re not operating in God’s Word but rather on your own merit.
Have you ever felt that you were walking in circles trying to accomplish something and you just couldn’t seem to get anywhere? It’s like exercising everyday, but you find yourself still gaining weight. You always end up where you begun because you haven’t changed your lifestyle. Until you make the decision to stop doing what your body wants and begin to eat healthier by cutting back on fatty foods, you’ll just keep going in circles.
It’s the same with the things of God. Until you stop trying to live God’s Word your way, you’re going to fail at it everyday. You’ve got to learn what God has to say about something and then follow Him, not what you believe or you’ve been told what to believe. You’re never going to be good enough for God on your own, so stop trying because it’s not possible!
This is why Christ died on the cross for our sins, so that we can be good enough through the work of Jesus Christ on the cross to have what the Bible says belongs to us. The is what it means to rest in Christ. We can live a quality life without the burden or stress of worrying about how we’re going to succeed in life and with Christ. Instead, we can live with the assurance that we can do all things in Christ.
Part of Kingdom living is casting our cares, concerns and problems upon Him. Jesus will carry us and our load of troubles! Psalm 55:22 tells us to cast our burdens upon the Lord and He will sustain us. This is the same advice or wisdom we should take in order to live a peaceful life. It’s saying that the moment we turn our cares and concerns over to Christ, He begins working on them. This is why we can experience rest.
Jesus is the righteousness of God and wherever there is righteousness you will have peace, quiet, and calm. So make a note to yourself that you will always have rest and your problems will always be taken care of as Isaiah 32:17 tells us: The fruit of that righteousness will be peace; its effect will be quietness and confidence forever.
Once God’s hand is in our problems, we can have the assurance that things are being done to take of them. He will do what He can do and He will show us the way for what we need to do (Matthew 11:29).
Centering our lives around God’s Kingdom is the practice and commitment of centering upon God’s will for our lives above all things and all persons. God’s will is His Word which is the Bible. So as we study the Bible we come to know more about God and what He has already done for us through the Work of Jesus Christ on the cross.
Daily we must water the seeds of what we want or what we have asked God for by prayer (planting) with positive confession or affirmations.
While we do this, we need to trust God by faith that He will prosper our sowing to give our seeds life and to bring increase (watering). Click on the following link to print out scripture that will help you growth faith for Kingdom living: Faith Seed Scripture.
These verses tell us that our faith seeds should be planted upon a foundation (ground) of Jesus Christ. For financial wealth, we put our faith into the specific verses for financial increase. As we combine faith, scripture and positive confession as a mix from a recipe, we develop the successful qualities God intended us to have or we receive what we have asked God for in prayer.
I Corinthians 3:6-15 mixed with Matthew 6:15-34 gives us the benefit of “sowing” and generously “reaping” which is what Kingdom living is all about. As we keep an abiding trust in God that He will supply our needs in the present (Matthew 6:34 tells us not to take thought for tomorrow) we build or “plant” our faith seeds upon a solid ground or foundation of Jesus Christ. This will yield abundance and increase or “reaping” into our lives!
Most everyone has said at one time or another, “you reap what you sow,” but have you ever put thought to that truth? What you have today is the fruit of what you have sowed. If you have sowed faith seeds such as “I’ll never have enough money, “only rich people can perpetuate money,” or “with my background I’ll never get anywhere,” and so forth, you’ll never have any more money or opportunities than you have today.
Kingdom living brings an abundance of whatever you need and want such as money, health, healing, an education and whatever it is you need to live, share with others or to better yourself–it’s not just about more money. Kingdom living is a way of life that is sown or developed deep within the intricacies of our hearts for change.
As an example, God can use our need for money to develop us into a people ready to serve Him with boldness and confidence. As we practice His principles for financial increase and receive, we are actually becoming more like Christ. We can use whatever problems we have to draw nearer to God by planting His Word within our hearts and then acting upon it! When our faith seeds are planted within our hearts by speaking the Word in faith, whatever it is we have faith for will come to pass.
As we continue to grow in the Word and God’s guidance we can then trust God for the life purpose He has for each of us to fulfill. Following God will teach us how to hear His voice and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us. In time we’ll discover our unique work or calling which will bring all of our labor to the glory of God. This is Kingdom living at it’s highest level of fulfillment. According to II Corinthians 9:6-9, we are to sow seeds bountifully in order to have all sufficiently in all things to abound in every good work of our Heavenly Father. Doing this will give us more time to serve God and help save the lost which is the first and foremost purpose of living God’s will for our lives.
DRAW NEARER TO GOD Through Kingdom Living
In conclusion, as you move toward God daily through the sowing of of faith seeds based upon scripture, your life will begin to take shape with all the rough edges smoothed for successful living, polished and shining with the light of Jesus Christ.
Kingdom living is the means by which great transformation can take place in your life. As you learn to put aside the past by living in the present, you will be able to change what you have and who you become. During this process you will get closer and closer to God, allowing you to hear His guidance for your life and direction. If you would like to know how to make this transformation, go to the complete study.
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