I Highly Recommend Jesus Therapy by Tom McQueen
I recommend Jesus Therapy by Tom McQueen to all Christians because it’s a book that serves many purposes. I found it to be a guidebook for Christian growth that doesn’t just teach the Word, but it gives real life situations with Bible solutions.
Every Chapter begins with scripture and ends with a counsel and a prayer. It’s as if you’re sitting with the author who has over 25 years of family counseling experience, only he makes it easy to work with God right from your own home or wherever you’re reading this unique Christian growth book.
My Review Of Jesus Therapy
I recently wrote a review of Jesus Therapy. I found the book an excellent source of Christian help and growth. Here’s a part of my review. My full review is on Amazon.com.
Recently released, Jesus Therapy The Best Advice That Money Can’t Buy is a book that I believe is going to help many Christians make great positive changes in their lives. The author, Tom McQueen, brings much credibility to his book with his experience as a licensed marriage and family therapist for over 25 years and president of the American Family Foundation among other great positions he’s held throughout his career. However, besides his vast experience, I believe that his understanding of the scriptures has given his book great depth and practical guidance that is easy to understand and utilize.
Each chapter shares God’s love and offers a sense of great peace with clear direction for achieving each topic that begins with scripture and then ends with a counsel and prayer. It provided me with a positive means of being introspective about my walk with God without feeling afraid or discouraged. There are many Christians writing books today, but they miss sharing God’s love in their messages because they only talk about it. Reading Jesus Therapy inspires, teaches and lifts the spirit to a new level of Christian understanding!
Jesus Therapy is a treasure of Biblical knowledge and wisdom to build faith for continued Christian growth. I highly recommend it as a Christian self-help book, as a reference guide for specific problems in life and as a daily devotional. Jesus Therapy truly gives advice that money can’t buy. Each message brings freedom and victory to experience God’s blessings everyday.
You can find Jesus Therapy on Amazon.com. Go here to read his many reviews and to learn more about this powerful book by Tom McQueen.