Victory Through Christ Empowerment studies

Victory Through Christ Empowerment Studies

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HAS Served the christian community since 1999

While Christians are renewed in Christ, we must live that life to experience the benefits no matter what is happening around us. We are not victims but victorious!  AMEN!

Thank you for visiting. My favorite enjoyment is to share God’s empowering Word with other Christians and nonbelievers alike. I’ve written many Christian studies and articles on this site that teach how to take authority in Christ with unshakable faith against any difficulty, including troubled times.  

We must stand together in the face of fear, violence, chaos and hatred. The good news is that Christ’s work on the cross has made believers a new nationality in Him (1 Peter 2:9)no longer divided by the worldly assessment of a person by race, skin color, financial, political or social positions. Sharing that truth will spread seeds of God’s love within the world. 

We each have a free will, therefore, we have the ultimate control as to what seeds we plant within our hearts and within the world. Let’s choose to plant God’s truth with actions following. We can stand firm against the lies and deceptions we’re told daily by standing in the Gap for revival and restoration.  

– M a r g a r e t  L u k a s i k,  S i t e  A u t h o r

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Don’t let the fear of sickness, violence or chaos ruin the ABUNDANT life that Jesus has given freely (John 10:10).  Christians have authority in Christ to overcome all things. YOU ARE EMPOWERED! However, if you aren’t living that life, Sign-Up Today!  

Victory Through Christ

Empowerment Building Studies and Resources

Studies, ebooks, Books and Services

A Few Of The Books Highlighted and Reviewed On This Site

The 7-Day Christian Growth Challenge

Victory Through Christ Products

All Christians need a strong foundation of Jesus Christ to take dominion over their lives and for Christian empowerment.  Read More

God's Financial Plan Special Offer

Victory Through Christ Products

Don’t face your debt or money problems alone! Look to God and trust Him as you look to His Word for blessing to overcome. More

How To Do Business God's Way

Victory Through Christ Products

God will lead you to great opportunities and promote you in your job, career, ministry or business by doing business His way. More

Victory Through Christ
Overcome Specific Difficulties

Faith Seed Links

Victorious Christian Resources

New “Path To Victorious Living” Additions

Popular Victorious Christian Links

  • Share Your Testimony
  • Business Bible Study
  • Free Christian Healing Studies/Articles
  • Christian Questions and Answers  

The Empowered Christian

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. –Isaiah 55:8

Move Up To God’s Thoughts and Ways By Becoming TRANSFORMED AND RENEWED IN CHRIST!  This is a process that all Christians must take to become empowered (Romans 12:2). Take 3 Steps That Will Set You On A Course Of Christian Empowerment.   Click Here To Learn More.

Victory Through Christ Presents Musings Of The Heart - A Great Gift For The Holidays

YOU WERE CREATED FOR GREATNESS by Margaret Lukasik. If you’re not sure about your unique purpose, this study is for you. Click here to get 70% off with the code:  70PERCENTOFF

Revival in a Christian’s life is a must to live God’s blessings and to become a blessing. This exciting Bible study will help you revive your life in Christ and make you a blessing to bring revival to your part of the world for Christ Jesus! Learn how to Discover and Develop Your Life Purpose. Written by Margaret Lukasik.

Born for greatness

How Do New Christians Receive Clear, Common Sense Answers To Help Bring Understanding To The Scriptures?


Special Announcement!

Amazon promotion

Event Coming Soon!

Soon I’ll be re-promoting the new version of my classic, 5 star ebook, The Path To Victorious Christian Living.  Make sure to sign-up to learn when it will be ready.  Keep up with my news if you’re interested.  I’ll practically be giving it away.

Why am I promoting this book again? We need to share the Gospel and share with other Christians how to overcome in times that have brought fear to people. With the threat of having no police protection, having our Second Amendment rights taken away while criminals are let out of prisons there are many people feeling vulnerable and filled with fear.  We need to help others stand in complete faith that we are safe and protected while God takes care of our every need.

Victory Through Christ Presents

Victory Through Christ Review

Author Sylvia Huffnagle 

If you are looking for straight talk about what God says and/or about what the Bible really teaches, please check out Sylvia Huffnagle’s website:  Syliva is also the author of many Christian books which you will find on her website and a series of articles written to help Christians grow in Christ.  

Hi! Thank You For Visiting Today.

Margaret Lukasik, Site Author