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The Best Good Stewardship Tip Is To Spread God’s Love
Keep in mind that with God all things work by love. So before you become a good steward with your money, choose to first become a good steward with kindness and respect toward others.
When you’re kind to others it’s multiplied. When you help someone feel good or encourage them, they in turn can help someone else feel good, and so forth. In other words it’s scriptural to have a “pay it forward” attitude. The results can be incredible.
Your act of kindness could change someone’s life, or it could inspire someone else to change the lives of millions. Let the Christ in you show to others God’s love and in the process you may guide many to their salvation.
While we should always be a good steward with all that God has entrusted to us and make what we have grow, we can also be good stewards of kindness and spread it wherever we go with God’s wisdom to produce a prosperous life from within. Working from the inside out causes us to acknowledge everything first from a spiritual perspective. Remember, You’ll see great abundance of blessings when you do.
In the midst of caring and giving God’s love to others we give God the opportunity to work in our lives financially or for whatever we need because our attention isn’t fixed on our problems, but on making the lives of others better in Christ.
Galatians 5:6
For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything, but faith working through love.
Make sure that whatever you do for God and for others you do it with God’s love! Your faith will grow for whatever it is you are doing for God and you will be able to prosper rather than experience failure.
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