Get The Child Money Management System To Teach Children How To Be Good Stewards For God
Use The Child Money Management System To Teach Your Children About Money Now While They Can Form Good Habits
About This Popular Child Money Management System
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For many years I’ve been sharing information about good stewardship for adults through my Christian Money Growth studies, but about 7 years ago I discovered a money management system for kids to help parents teach their children how to tithe and manage their money in order to become good stewards for God!
This unique child money management system looked so promising I purchased one for each of my young grandchildren. They loved the banks so much it inspired me to create a study for children and display the banks to help parents, grandparents and others easily find them. Each bank has a separate slot and space for spending, saving, investing and giving. Money can be easily extracted separately for each function.
As you may have guessed, they’re the 4-part piggy banks you see at the right and the blue piggy above. They’re called Money Savvy Banks and they use the 10/10/10/70 money management system for kids that make it easy for parents to instill valuable money management ideals into their children that are based upon scripture.
Although it’s designed for children ages 2 through 10, it can work for any age group, including adults, as I have learned in my Christian Money Growth studies for adults.
You can read my ideas for presentation to your children to keep them involved or just present the system in your own way. The 10/10/10/70 money management for kids is easy to understand and use so that it won’t take them any time at all to begin using their banks. However, small children will need the guidance of their parents and it’s helpful if children can see their parents doing the same with their money because good examples speak louder than words.
Once you get your child involved with God for money growth and good stewardship, they will begin to see a growth in their money that will have a profound affect upon them for the rest of their lives. If you want your child to avoid the pitfalls that causes money loss and a lack of fulfillment in life, you’ve got to help them begin this program immediately! This system is exciting and lots of fun!
What Is The Child Money Management System?
It’s an easy system to help your child or children become a good steward for God by learning how to save, spend, invest (tithe) and give (offerings). This is also a great lesson for Sunday School teachers to give their students. Here is a simple rule you can follow to help with your child’s money management. Have your child break their earnings or money gifts into four parts.
If your child receives a dollar and spends a dollar, he or she is learning to live paycheck to paycheck. The best defense against financial ruin is to teach your child to divide his or her money before they spend with this simple rule, 10/10/10/70.
For all money your child earns or receives, they will give:
- 10% to God for tithing Invest
- 10% giving offerings Save
- 10% for their future Spend
- 70% for wants, needs, gifts
As An Adult This System Will Also Work For You!
A child’s money management habits are based upon what they see their parents do with their money. They will eventually know if their parents are spenders or savers. Children will usually take the route of spending their money paycheck to paycheck as an adult if this is what they learned from their parents in their formative years.
Child Money Management System Ideas
Ideas for discussing the Child Management System to your child.
- Every time you get money, it’s an opportunity from God to be a greater blessing to Him for the Kingdom of God.
- Learning how to become a good caretaker over your money will teach you how to give to God, share with others, save money and have lots of fun spending money for yourself or to give gifts to the people you love, like your parents, brothers or sisters.
- If you learn at an early age how to tithe your money and give offerings, you will learn the joy of being a blessing to God. I think that the best part about having money is giving to God so that He can help other people know about Him. It helps our church too. And because you are doing what God says by obeying Him, He will greatly bless you throughout your life.
- Did you know that if you were to begin saving and tithing your money right now, by the time you were an adult you would be able to do all the things you want and be able to give to other people too? You’ll never have a reason to do bad things, like taking what doesn’t belong to you because you will have learned that God always takes good care of His children, just like we take good care of you.
About Kingdom Living Ideas
- Giving God money through tithes and offerings is a fun and exciting way to organize your money so that you can be a part of God’s Kingdom through your obedience to Him. You can think of yourself as one of God’s little Kings, according to the verses Matthew 6:25-34. This is not because you give money, but because you are obeying God in everything you do.
- Kingdom living is a very important part of being a Christian so that God can bless you and make your life happy. When you’re happy you can share your joy with others and make them happy too.
- Learning to organize your money with God’s help will make you smart and wise, even during times that are difficult in life.
- If you need more money beyond your allowance, I will help you find ways to earn extra money to practice organizing it. The more you practice, the easier it will become and the more you will see how God can make the money you have grow.
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