It’s Scriptural To Receive Healing In Jesus’ Name!
You Can Receive Healing NOW!
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You can receive healing now because healing belongs to all believers. In the Old and New Testaments there are many accounts of healing. In the New Testament we see many accounts of healing by Jesus Christ in the four Gospels. Yet, many churches preach that “healing is not for us today.”
This was the message I received in the church where I had attended since I was a baby. Yet I knew that God didn’t stop healing in modern times because the Word says that God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Also my dad had taught me as a child that God heals whoever asks.
My mother was very much against scriptural healing and other Biblical truths, so my father taught me in silence what he knew about faith and healing from the Bible. I remember once when my mother was complaining that she was very ill. Her doctors couldn’t find anything wrong with her. I felt so badly for her that I shared stories of the many times God had healed me or my children and husband.
I thought she would be excited, but instead, she became so angry with me that she yelled at me to get out of her room. I kept trying to explain what the scriptures said, but she chased me out of her room and told me to stop being a trouble maker. From that point on the subject was not welcome in her home.
It’s this kind of narrow thinking that can mean life or death, suffering or living joyfully the way God intended. If we want to live our salvation then we need to believe God’s Words and live them. If God says we have healing and His Word never changes, then we are healed no matter what anyone says. And we should be healed because Jesus died on the cross to save us from sin, sickness, disease and all negative circumstances of life.
It’s this kind of narrow thinking that can mean life or death, suffering or living joyfully the way God intended. If we want to live our salvation then we need to believe God’s Words and live them. If God says we have healing and His Word never changes, then we are healed no matter what anyone says. And we should be healed because Jesus died on the cross to save us from sin and to restore the blessings that were lost to us when Eve ate that famous apple in the Garden of Eden.
Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
Can you dare to put God’s Word above what anyone tells you, even if you’re made to feel foolish? When it comes to life or death, good health or bad, you had better choose God’s Word because it will save you! God’s Word is life, so it’s medicine to your flesh, your mind or your emotions. That’s right! God will heal whatever part of your body, mind or emotions that have you in bondage to illness as long as you have the kind of trust and faith in God that will take you beyond the human reasoning that says, “God cannot heal today.”
If you don’t need healing today, there will probably come a time when you will or someone you know. So now is the time to prepare–spiritually that is. It can be difficult when ill to receive healing if you haven’t practiced and learned to combine the following two steps.
- Faith Principles
- Prayer Principles
A short study about both subjects will give you the benefit of the power of answered prayer. However, this study is a great preparation for any future studies you do. I give enough information for anyone to build faith and pray successfully for healing. I have used this same information throughout my life and have taught others to use it including my own children.
There are seven scriptural ways to be healed. All but one way includes another person’s faith used for the person sick or joined with the person. Because I believe that it’s important to develop enough faith to receive healing without another person’s faith, that is the method of healing I will discuss here. This is because if you are suddenly ill or hurt and you’re all alone, you will have no one to pray for you but yourself. Therefore it’s good to practice faith and develop it for whatever might happen to you rather than depending upon someone else who may not be around when you need them in the future for faith and prayer.
How To Accelerate Your Faith To Receive Healing
When I was new to faith and found out that I had the beginning stages of cancer, I realized that I had faith work to do. The news hit me hard at first until God’s Word took over my thoughts. The one thing I had learned was how to attack illness with God’s Word to insure that I won the battle. So the fact that I had little faith didn’t frighten me, however I knew that I had to develop a great amount of faith in a short amount of time. I knew this could be done because Romans 10:17 says that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.
That tiny verse is powerful. It said that the more I spoke the Word for what I wanted, the faster I would develop faith for what I was hearing. So I found a little booklet, titled “God’s Medicine” by Kenneth Hagin that had a series of healing verses at the end. It was very small so it took little time to read it through. Every day I would read over the book a few times and then read over the verses more often when I had time. In between my reading the book I would say the verses to myself that I had memorized.
The book I used was one of the books below. During that time and after I was healed I also read all of the other books you see below. They were the same size as the God’s Medicine booklet, so they were quick to read and helped to build my faith. They answered many questions I had as a I was waiting to receive healing from God. Two of the most helpful books were “How To Keep Your Healing” and “Seven Hindrances To Healing.” I still have these little books today and read through them now and then. They are powerful!
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Books I’ve Read By Kenneth Hagin Concerning Scriptural Healing