You Are A New Creation In Christ!

As a New Creation You Are Empowered To Live Life Abundantly


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New Creation In Christ
You Are A New Creation In Christ

You are a new creation in Christ if you have received salvation.  You went from the darkness of the world, to the light of Jesus Christ, taking on His characteristics.  You can liken this transformation to the story of the “ugly duckling” turning into the “beautiful swan!”  No matter what our lives were before God stirred our hearts for salvation, we become brand new, lovely creatures in Christ Jesus.

This metamorphosis we experience is real.  It takes place immediately after salvation, but it’s not visible with the human eye. It will remain dormant if we never get past the transformation stage.  God did His beautiful and perfect work, but it becomes our responsibility to build upon what God has started.  Jesus is our foundation upon which to build, so it becomes a work of building upon the framework we’ve been given (scripture) to create a strong and loving person God can use to accomplish His plans, purposes and pursuits.

Where are you in the building process of God’s Plan’s for your life?  Have you followed through with God or is your heart still in the bare-bones stages of development? If you have progressed little, it’s never too late.  You can begin living your salvation today!

You Are A New Creation in Christ

The old you has passed away, but the old habits, thoughts and actions of your past will continue unless you transform your mind with God’s Word (scripture).  It’s a process that’s  ongoing throughout life. 

2 Corinthians 5:17 (NKJV)  17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.  


Even though you became new in Christ, you are yet a “baby” in Christ.  This is what a new creation in Christ means. You look the same, you speak the same and you think the same as I have said, but you were transformed from within your heart or spirit.  The transformation must continue either by your own study or through an organized Bible study.  But it’s really important that you spend some alone time searching the Bible for the scriptures that will help you grow in Christ and that will specifically help you overcome the character traits you’ve developed over the years that are not of God.

1 Peter 2:2 (ASV)  as newborn babes, long for the spiritual milk which is without guile, that ye may grow thereby unto salvation;

Whatever your needs, this process is going to bless your life and bring you to full-maturity in Christ.  If you’re ill then you need to begin this process without delay and without fear.   Trust that God’s Word is bringing you life. 

The verses to concentrate upon if you’re seriously ill are healing verses. I have a page of verses you can use to begin. Print them out or read them from your phone or tablet which is what I do.  I just read them to my daughter this morning who is recovering from surgery on her gums and my husband who is believing God for healing from a skin condition which gives him much pain.  The doctors could not help him, so we have entrusted his healing to God only. UPDATE: He was healed and my daughter recovered quickly!

New Creation In Christ Process For Continued Growth

I’ve mentioned in a couple of my other posts this process, so you may have already read the following information.  But if you need inner growth, please continue and then follow the simple instructions.  It will also be helpful to join a church that centers upon the Bible.

Romans 12:2  (NKJV)  And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

1.  Find scripture in the New Testament that says who you are in Christ  (as you look for it you will become familiar with the Bible)

2.  Find scripture that promises what you need for character changes.  Pick one or two a day and then speak them to yourself throughout the day, paraphrasing and personalizing them.  Say things to yourself such as “I am empowered by Jesus to be a success in my life, job or business.”  “I am empowered to speak positive words of life rather than negative words of death.”  Through Jesus Christ I am empowered not to lie to others, but to be honest and tell the truth. ”  “I am healed in Christ Jesus.”

3.  Continue building upon scripture this way to get it into your heart.   Mutter it at night before you go to bed and when you get up.  This will make it a reality in your life.

4.  Act upon God’s Word as you learn it.

In a short time, you’ll go from being a new creation in Christ to a mature Christian who is able to attain VICTORY THRU CHRIST!

If any part of this lesson is confusing to you, please let me know in the comment section below. I’ll be happy to better clarify what it means to be a new creation in Christ.

You Are A new Creation In Christ. All rights reserved. (C) Margaret Lukasik.  From Faith and Prayer Dynamics.



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