Break The Grip Of Childhood Trauma In Christ Jesus
Begin With Part I Of The Series For Hope and Healing...
By God’s power, it is definitely possible to recover fully from life’s early traumas. In her latest mini-book (the first installment of a four-part series), Christian author Sharon Palmer tackles the tough subject of self-hatred arising from childhood sexual abuse. Amid engaging testimony, she shares deeply personal snapshots of what it was like for God to rescue her soul and life from situations often hazardous, humiliating, and traumatizing.
Thankfully, she doesn’t fail to bless readers also with the truth of joyous relief and transformation found in trusting the Lord to heal battered self-perspective. This series promises to bring readers a clearer understanding of the complete restoration process and power only God supplies when we cast our cares and burdens upon Him. Sharon assures everyone that lasting hope and healing awaits all those who will receive it from God – The Faithful Father.