Learn How To Grow Your Faith In God
Learn How To Growth Your Faith In God For Success In Life
Follow Author Tony Egar On His Exciting Three Year Journey To Growth His Faith!
How To Be Rich In Faith
By Tony Egar
No matter what, Tony Egar made a sincere commitment to prove with his life that God's Word is true. All he needed was faith. He tried to learn from Christian leaders and from being a leader himself, but he felt God leading him to develop an active faith, so that is exactly what he did.
"Author Tony Egar has always been fascinated by the effect believing has on our lives.
After years of reading books, hearing speakers and going to conferences he has found that the effect was temporary.
His personal belief is that we have a believing switch somewhere within us and if we can get it turned on; everything works, but when it is turned off nothing works.
This is his journey to find that switch and turn it on."
Lorna (Tony's wife)
Book Video Review By...
Margaret Lukasik
How To Be Rich In Faith by Tony Egar
Book Review By Margaret Lukasik...
How To Be Rich In Faith
By Tony Egar
The book, How To Be Rich In Faith, is an exciting three-year quest of the author Tony Egar to discover a deep and lasting faith. Tony began his journey February 2011 with his wife, Lorna supporting him all the way and whose great strength and encouragement resulted in her own experience of increased faith. Although Tony's three years ended November 2013, he has a life-long commitment to continue growing in faith and trusting in God. I find it greatly significant that he set this specific goal for himself, and unlike many people, he never gave up, even through the most difficult of times. This alone is a great lesson for us all in life and with God!
This amazing book will teach you how to grow your faith in God, even if you're a new Christian. It has a special way of getting the scriptures into your heart. But once you've read the book, you'll find it an experience you'll never forget. The reason is because Tony shares with his readers "active faith" that the Bible says we're to have. We are to be "doers of the Word" and not hearers only. How To Be Rich In Faith will show you through Tony's actions of faith against all the major difficulties of life, yet he always achieved victory as He looked to God instead of the circumstances. If you thought that there were only a few spiritual giants in the world, think again! Tony will show you that you can be one too!
Tony's enthusiasm and love for God and the scriptures made his 3 year commitment a great adventure rather than a boring means of mechanically reading scripture. The Bible tells us that faith without action is "dead works" which means reading scripture alone does not build faith. Tony put his faith to action, stretching himself to act upon the scriptures as he learned them. With real life experiences that are not unlike what most people experience, he proved with his life that faith cannot grow with any other source than the Bible. He also learned that when a person believes something with all their heart, they will enter a place of rest. It's at this point in their lives that they became "rich in faith."
Using real-life situations as analogies for scripture he made his experiences easy to relate to, especially the difficulties he went through. Sharing in this way gives the reader hope for their own lives as they learn how Tony overcame one problem after another with God's Word. Step-by-step in Tony's writing, you can see his spiritual growth and understanding all the way to the present with the conclusion that we can have success with God only when we take our authority through Jesus Christ from the heart and not from the mind.
Tony and Lorna made an important point about faith. There were many people along the way who wanted to discourage them, but Tony warns to remain strong and confident in God's Word and you will receive a peace to receive from Him. They show Christians that when we're pushed to follow friends or family over God, the choice we make shows where we are in our faith. They chose God and I believe their shining example will help other Christians stick with God all the way!
As the book comes to an end, so does Tony's 3 year journey. The reader can see clearly through his experiences that even through trial, tribulation and opposition, all Christians can turn on the switch to faith and keep it on. But it's a choice we all have to make. We can turn off the switch at any time, but Tony and Lorna proved that it's always a "win-win" situation to keep the light of Jesus Christ turned on within our hearts and minds. How To Be Rich In Faith will bless you beyond measure as you follow Tony's journey to find a deep and lasting faith. You've got to read this book! It will grow your faith and bless you for the rest of your life!
Learn About The Author...
Tony and Lorna Egar
Tony and Lorna Egar are a semi-retired couple from Brisbane, Australia. They are Christians who encourage others to believe God for healing and financial restoration. They designed their website to help build the faith of other Christians.
We are believing God that you will be restored, renewed, and revived.
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Grow Your Faith In God and all associated materials and related studies are the complete work of the site's author, Margaret Lukasik, and author Tony Egar Millner cannot be copied by any means without their express written permission.