Christian Book Reviews

By Margaret Lukasik

Slam The Door On Cancer!

Jacquie Woodward Was Healed of Cancer After Being Told By Her Doctor That There Was No Hope.

She Tells Her Amazing Story About How She Used Scripture and Science To Be Well! 

Healed Of Cancer

Slam the Door on Cancer

...and lock it out of your life

By Jacquie Woodward

Slam the Door on Cancer reflects the "good news" that the author was healed of cancer after all hope was gone.  A physician friend said, "If you get through this, you will have to be your own doctor." Woodward did put cancer behind her causing bewildered doctors to report, "no evidence of recurrent or residual disease."

This book weaves science and Scripture in practical ways using Woodward's story to illustrate.

To read Ms. Woodward's extensive research which continues from the information she shares in her book visit her blog.  It's filled with information.  
Read more about the description of this "must-read" book!

Also go to Jacquie's Question and Answer Page that will give you more information about her experience.

Book review By Margaret Lukasik...

Slam the Door on CANCER

By Jacquie Woodward

"Slam the Door On Cancer ...and lock it out of your life" by Jacquie Woodward holds many surprises for its readers! Is the title really true? Can we lock cancer out of our lives forever? Well the author is living proof that it is true, but she also states that anyone else with cancer can do the same and she explains why. The book takes the reader on a journey of healing with a blending of science and scripture. But Jacquie doesn't leave her readers after sharing her amazing message of restored health. She insures that they continue in good health for the rest of their lives. This is a complete book of healing that envelops the heart, soul and body for continued well-being, not just a story about a courageous woman who rose victorious over the devastation of a disease. Jacquie makes it very clear that her experience is only a focal point for others to believe that they too can be healed of cancer or any other disease, but not a story about her life specifically.

However, her story is miraculous as we watch her fear of cancer turn into a strong determination to become educated about what cancer is, about finding the right treatment and relying upon the power everyone has to spiritually and scientifically take control over their health to live a full life. In short, this is the most important healing book ever. I've already heard what others are saying who have more expertise on the subject of cancer than I do and they agree!

Jacquie communicates her information in a style that makes it easy for people of varying degrees of faith in the Bible and knowledge concerning the inner and outer workings of the body understand what she is saying. She lays out everything one needs to know about healing from cancer in order to avoid wasting valuable time experimenting the way she had to do. Even with my limited knowledge of the basic elements of science, her writing was clear. Along with her teaching she includes breathing techniques, exercises and eating for healing and to maintain a lifetime of good health. And as a bonus she teaches the importance of laughing and living a joyful life!

So did "Slam The Door On Cancer" help me even though I'm in good health? This is a book for everyone and I'm no exception. It gave me plenty of information to prevent the disease and it revealed changes I need to make in the way I eat and even how I drink water and sleep! THIS IS A MUST HAVE BOOK FOR EVERYONE!


A Visual View Of Slam The Door On Cancer:


Learn About The Author...

Please Note That Jacquie Is Also A Speaker On The Subject Of Healing From Cancer and Is Available For Speaking Engagements.

Jacquie Woodward    

Jacquie Woodward is a wife, mother, and grandmother. When "the C word" was pronounced over her life, she was a long dormant Christian who suddenly realized she wanted to bear more fruit before leaving this earth. 

She found herself with two strikes against her and only one choice--hit a home run. Because her "batting coach," the Good Lord, gave her perfect signals, she was healed of Cancer. Jacquie lives in rural Kentucky with her husband, a retired physician. 

Herself a retired educator and business woman, she enjoys water media painting and being silly with her three grandchildren.

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Healed Of Cancer and all associated materials and related studies are the complete work of the site's author, Margaret Lukasik, and author Jacquie Woodward and cannot be copied by any means without her express written permission.

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Slam the Door on CANCER


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Book Genre: Healed Of Cancer / Christian Life / Christian Healing / Divine Healing 


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