Hell On Earth Book Review
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The Book Defines The 'Open Vision' Of Pastor Olabisi Obideyi Concerning Heaven and Hell.
Book Summary
Author Olabisi Obideyi
The book, Hell On Earth, is based upon the author's 2004 'open vision' experience that began with an unsettling voice welcoming her to hell. She describes how her reality of the physical realm had shifted to the spiritual as she is beckoned to the land of the dead and the battle of Armageddon.
This shocking event in her life was the beginning of her heaven and hell encounter that has profoundly effected her life and which has served as a testimony to help others understand that there is indeed a heaven and a hell.
This is a book that will cause you to examine your own belief about whether or not there is a heaven and / or a hell. It's filled with gripping revelations about the subject.
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More About The Author's BooksBook Genre: Non-Fiction Christian Book
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Hell On Earth Book Review
By Margaret Lukasik
Previous to the year 2004, the author of Hell On Earth, Pastor Olabisi Obideyi, went from a charmed life to one of difficulty in the areas of her personal life and career as an attorney because of great inner turmoil she wasn't able to identify. Feeling lonely and afraid, she turned to God as the one and only source of guidance. During this time her relationship with God deepened as she grew in the Word daily.
It was at this time that she experienced a most profound occurrence that she recounts in her unique book, Hell On Earth. Pastor Obideyi vividly describes the "open vision' she had at the end of July 2004 that opened for her many understandings about heaven and hell. Now, she shares her experience in astounding detail that gives the reader the feeling they are with her moment by moment as she recalls the emotionally torturous and at times physically painful journey within what she came to realize was hell. The invitation welcoming her to hell and the land of the dead as well as the battle of Armageddon left her with no doubt.
During her vision she sees hellish creatures organized into legions or divisions of varying degrees power, many times demanding that she give up on the life work God has established through her to live a life of spiritual death which would mean eternal separation from God. There are times when Pastor Obideyi also finds herself in the glory of Heaven, allowing her to understand the depth of hell's eternal torture by the comparison of the peace and beauty of Heaven.
The author's hell on earth experience has embedded within her heart the truths of heaven and hell in a way that has made her commitment to God's call upon her life come alive to people all over the world as she successfully spreads the Gospel of Jesus Christ as senior pastor through Freedom House International Ministries that she established after a Holy Spirit encounter.
Pastor Olabisi Obideyi has an amazing story to tell and she does it so well through her beautiful writing that leads the reader on an indelible journey with an expediency to choose heaven over hell if they haven't already. Many people have different ideas about how to get to heaven, but she dispels any confusion by stating the true path we must all take to receive salvation.
If you're looking for a book that gives a strong contrast between the reality of heaven and hell, Hell On Earth is that book.
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About The Author, OLABISI OBIDEYI:
Pastor Olabisi Obideyi became the founder and Senior Pastor of Freedom House International Ministries following a Holy Spirit encounter that she had in 2004. She became more passionate about Christ after her experience of heaven and hell, which also took place that same year.
Since becoming a pastor, she has touched many lives across the world through her face-to-face powerful teachings, and through her books of divine revelations such as Revelations in Master Dominion Actual conversation with God.
Pastor also Olabisi holds an LLB (hons) degree in
eMail: freedomhouse7@aol.com
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