7 Steps To Avoid Deception By Using Scripture

The information in this discussion is based upon the God’s Thoughts Bible Study. This study takes Christian thinking to God’s level of thinking based upon Isaiah 55:8-9.
I depend upon this verse to keep me from relying upon my own reasoning when I’m not sure about something or I have to make a difficult decision. God always knows best and I like to remind myself of that truth often!
Isaiah 55:8-9 (ASV) 8. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith Jehovah. 9. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Avoid Deception With Successful Christian Thinking
God didn’t intend for His people to have simple minds to be easily tricked or taken advantage of at every turn in the road of life. Instead He’s generously given us the power of clear or wise thinking that gives us the advantage over those who wish to trick or deceive us.
Combine these steps to avoid deception by others in order to make positive or successful decisions:
- Know that scripturally, you’re somebody in Christ–someone special! (2 Corinthians 5:21)
Get the facts when necessary–get Information on a given subject before making a decision. When you know that you deserve the best, you won’t let others tempt you with 2nd rate explanations or offers that are only intended to harm you or take what you have.
- Pray about making important decisions or feeling apprehensive about something first before making a decision. Take time to seek God and let the Holy spirit guide you. If your mind is clouded with doubt, clearly you’re not in a position to make an important decision about something.
- Always look to God’s wisdom (the Word), guidance and pertinent information over what looks tempting or can benefit you in a way that looks too easy or too good to be true. Sometimes you need to get the facts by doing research. Don’t go by your emotion! If someone doesn’t want you to learn more about what they’re saying, that’s a sign they want to deceive you.
- If someone is rushing you to make a decision, pass on it. You need time to pray or get more information. I can’t say enough to get the facts when necessary! Sometimes we need Information on a given subject before making a decision.
- If you have a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach, don’t act on something. God is warning you by the Holy Spirit about it. Wait on God to find out what it is–you could be facing danger or a scam. The more you listen to God’s guidance by the Holy Spirit, the more you’ll recognize God speaking to you.
- Never make an important decision that is life-changing based upon your emotions. They can lead you astray. For most situations emotions can get in the way of smart decisions. Emotions can lead people to what they want rather than what is best for them. Keep growing in the Word so that your mind will act upon the wisdom of God’s Word rather than emotions.
- Never let anyone make you feel guilty when they ask you to do something you know is wrong or may have negative results. Put them on the defensive and let them know that you never make rushed decisions that might cause you harm or disappointment. Put God first and you won’t feel badly if someone is mad at you for not doing what they want. A person with bad intentions doesn’t care about you, but God loves you. He will guide, protect and help you avoid deception always.
General Tips For Practicing God’s Wisdom To Avoid Deception:
Include Jesus Christ in all you do and you’ll have much peace, joy and prosperity over your life. You can do that by practicing thinking and acting upon God’s thoughts (Isaiah 55:8). You can do that by acting upon God’s Word as you learn it.
To build successful thoughts in your life beginning today, read Philippians 4:7-8. God not only tells you that you need to transform your mind in Romans 12:2, but He tells you what to fill it with in verse 8 of Philippians Chapter 4.
Philippians 4:7-8 (ASV) 7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus. 8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honorable, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Success In Life God’s Way
Becoming a success God’s way will make life easy for you instead of difficult because God will empower you to accomplish whatever you need to do in Christ. He is always there with guidance, encouragement, mercy, compassion and His uncompromised truth. And He has given you the greatest gift of all; the sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ.
John 1:29 (ASV) On the morrow he seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold, the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world!
As the Lamb of God, Jesus gives us the peace of forgiveness so that we can always go before God and know that we are worthy to receive whatever we ask of Him. Jesus is our glorious Shepherd who takes care of His sheep with a depth of love that brings new beginnings and great purpose.
Jesus is the one to listen to, follow and give your life to because He loves YOU and will never lead YOU astray. He will keep you by the Holy Spirit from following the wrong path or bad advise.
You don’t have to envy or emulate those who are leading the world astray and taking away the glory that belongs instead to our Heavenly Father. You don’t have to be a follower of men that will limit your ability to be somebody in Christ. All you have to do is think God’s thoughts and allow them to lead you to your most fulfilled life.
Follow Jesus to the kingdom of God, a place that all the money and power in the world can never purchase.
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