Create Christian Money Growth Affirmations
Learn why you should speak affirmations and then learn how to create them.
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According to Romans 10:17 our hearing scripture creates belief in God or His Word. God is the Word so the more you believe scripture, the deeper you’ll develop a relationship with God. This belief that you develop is called “faith.” We need faith to receive anything from God, so it’s important to speak God’s Word, the Bible, in order to hear it.
Romans 10:17 (ASV) 17 So belief cometh of hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.
One of the best ways to get scripture into our hearts for greater faith is to use affirmations based upon God’s Word. Usually affirmations are used to develop faith for specific growth or because someone has a need to receive something from God that they have little faith to have.
The following audio will help you better understand affirmations and how to create them in a way that will best suit your need. Sometimes people have difficulty with repetition, so by paraphrasing scripture you can keep it’s meaning while you vary the way you speak it.
It’s also important to personalize scripture to insure that you not only believe God’s Word is true, but that it true for you! This is another important reason to paraphrase scripture. It’s difficult for especially new Christians to believe that God’s Word will manifest in their lives even through they believe the Bible is true with all their hearts.
Use the affirmation audio lesson below to create from scripture short sentences about who you are in Christ, what blessings belong to you and why you can believe that God will answer your prayers. The audio specifically addresses money growth.
You can also create a money product for a sum of money that you need. However, when it comes to asking God for money, keep your heart in the right place and first regard your financial increase goals to become a giver into God’s Kingdom to help spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It’s important to become a good steward so that when God increases your money, you can continue to be financially blessed as well as a financial blessing.
How To Create Your Own Affirmations
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