Don’t be in a hurry to pray! Use these 7 practical tips to help you get ready to pray by getting your faith organized for success. Even if you know how to pray, you must also approach God’s Word with the attitude to succeed by doing your part. Some of what we ask of God requires our willingness to follow God’s Word, rather than continuing with the same negative attitudes or wrong actions.
I’m not going to include scripture for proof that the 7 important faith steps below for answered prayer are Biblically correct. This discussion is also a lesson about comparing whatever you read or hear concerning scripture with what the Bible directly has to say about it.
Study these 7 important faith steps to give you the spiritual and practical sense you need for answered prayer. Prayer without preparation isn’t enough. And although we need to base everything we do on scripture when it comes to prayer, we also need to have practical common sense to help our faith grow.
The 7 Important Faith Steps For Answered Prayer
1. Approach what you want from God’s point of view. Make sure that it’s a blessing given us in scripture. God’s blessings include whatever we need to live long productive and healthy lives, but He will never help us to do wrong against ourselves, others and most important against Him by going against His Word.
2. One of the surest ways to grow in faith is to approach what you want in a practical and spiritual sense. Do everything you can do on your own if possible, and then partner with God in faith and trust to make what you want happen. This is especially helpful for persons with little faith. Jesus is still performing miracles today, but if you’re not going to work with God, you’ll get in His way with doubt and tie His hands from helping you or giving you what you want.
3. Know what you want and be sure about it or you’ll create doubt. You can’t receive from God with confusion, ambivalence, doubt or the wrong motives (to do harm to others). If you can’t be sure about what you want, your faith will waver back and forth so that your attitude will defeat your faith before you even pray.
4. If you need more money, make a commitment before you pray to straighten out your financial affairs and get them in order. Know what you have coming in and going out. Trust God for the money you need, for ways to obtain it and then create a budget. God can’t help you if you don’t use wisdom.
For complicated money issues such as purchasing a car, a home, an expensive trip, an education etc., be sure this is what you want by asking God for guidance and getting as much information as you can to know what you’re getting into and if you have the faith to believe for whatever payment you may have to make or total amount of money.
Faith can produce whatever you need, but you have to understand your current faith ability. Don’t rush into prayer for large sums of money unless you’re going to be firm in your faith. Otherwise discouragement will set in and keep you from receiving from God. Daily build up your faith with God’s Word so that you can believe that God will answer your prayer.
5. There are many forms of prayer, use the right one. Use the “Prayer of Faith” to ask God for what you need, want or for help.
6. If you’re in trouble, you feel unsafe, you’re afraid or facing someone you believe will hurt you, call upon Jesus’ Name immediately and expect God’s protection. He’ll find a way to save you. I have been saved throughout my life from bad circumstances even to the present time by calling upon Jesus’ Name and professing that I have authority in His name. Then call for help if you still feel that you’re in danger. I did after God saved me from someone breaking into my home and that person ran away when I yelled at him to stop. I then called the police just to be sure he was gone and for neighbors to know what was happening.
7. There can be a time element involved for answered prayer. Keep thanking and praising God until you receive. Practice speaking the Word about what you want! Be ready to receive! Get into the Word daily and look up scripture that defines what you want or need. It will confirm that God wants you to have it!
All your faith efforts will draw you nearer to God if your heart and motives are centered upon Him through His Son, Jesus Christ. You are a winner in Christ Jesus always, no matter what you have done as long as you ask God to forgive you, repent and are ready to receive by faith!
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